as soon as

As Soon As Meaning in Urdu: اسی وقت جب

As Soon As Pronunciation: [az soon az]

As Soon As Meaning in Urdu: اسی وقت جب

As Soon As Meaning in Urdu (Alternate Meanings):

  • جب ہی (Jab Hi)
  • جیسے ہی (Jaise Hi)
  • توجہ دیتے ہی (Tawajah Dete Hi)

Synonyms of As Soon As:

  • When
  • Just After
  • Immediately After

Antonyms of As Soon As:

  • Later
  • Afterwards
  • Eventually

Nearby Words:

  • As (Conjunction) – جیسا
  • Soon (Adverb) – جلدی
  • Meaning (Noun) – معنی
  • In (Preposition) – میں
  • Urdu (Noun) – اردو

Origin of the Word As Soon As:

The phrase “as soon as” originated from Middle English and is a combination of the word “as” and the adverb “soon.” It is used to indicate that something will happen immediately after a particular event or at the earliest possible time.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. As soon as he arrived home, he called his mother. (جب وہ گھر پہنچا تو اس نے اپنی ماں کو کال کیا)
  2. She will leave as soon as the meeting ends. (وہ اسی وقت جب میٹنگ ختم ہوگی تو چلے جائیں گی)
  3. As soon as I finish my work, I will join you. (جب میں اپنا کام ختم کروں گا تو میں آپ کے پاس آؤں گا)

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