as pects

Aspects Meaning in Urdu: اہم پہلو

Aspects is a noun that refers to different features or characteristics of something. In Urdu, it is translated as “اہم پہلو”.

Synonyms of Aspects:

  • Facets – جہتیں
  • Angles – زاویے
  • Dimensions – وسعتیں

Antonyms of Aspects:

  • Whole – کل
  • Entirety – کلیت
  • Totality – کلیت

Nearby Words:

  • Aspect Ratio (Noun) – تناسب جہتیں
  • Aspectual (Adjective) – جہتی
  • Aspen (Noun) – چھالوں والی جھاڑی

Origin of the Word Aspects:

The word “aspects” originated from the Latin word “aspectus”, which means “a look, appearance, or view”.

Example Sentences:

  1. One of the important aspects of a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise. (صحت مند زندگی کا اہم پہلو منظم ورزش ہے۔)
  2. The project will be evaluated from various aspects before making a decision. (فیصلہ کرنے سے پہلے منصوبے کو مختلف پہلوؤں سے جائزہ لیا جائے گا۔)

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