
Artifact Meaning in Urdu: آثار

An artifact, pronounced as “ahr-tuh-fakt,” refers to an object made by humans, typically with historical or cultural significance. In Urdu, it is known as “آثار” which means “remains” or “traces.”

Synonyms of Artifact:

  • Remnant – باقیہ
  • Relic – عفا
  • Antique – قدیم
  • Curio – عجیب چیز

Antonyms of Artifact:

  • Natural – قدرتی
  • Original – اصلی
  • Living – زندہ
  • Contemporary – معاصر

Nearby Words:

  • Artificial (Adjective) – مصنوعی
  • Artistry (Noun) – فنکاری
  • Articulate (Verb) – بیان کرنا
  • Artisan (Noun) – کاریگر

Origin of the Word Artifact:

The word “artifact” originated from the Latin word “artefactum,” which means “something made by skill.” It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The museum displayed ancient artifacts from various civilizations. (متحف میں مختلف تہذیبوں کے قدیم آثار پر عوام کو عرضہ کیا گیا۔)
  2. Archaeologists unearthed several artifacts during the excavation. (آثار شناسوں نے کھدائی کے دوران کئی آثار کھودے۔)

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