
Abbs: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abbs (pronounced as /æbz/) is a noun that is commonly used in English language. In Urdu, it is known as “عبث” and has several meanings:

  1. بے فائدہ (meaning: useless)
  2. بے مقصد (meaning: aimless)
  3. بے نتیجہ (meaning: fruitless)

Origin of the Word Abbs

The word “abbs” originated from Middle English and is derived from the Old French word “abisme” meaning “abyss”. It later evolved into “abys” and eventually became “abbs” in modern English.

Synonyms of Abbs

Some synonyms of abbs include:

  • Useless (بے فائدہ)
  • Aimless (بے مقصد)
  • Fruitless (بے نتیجہ)
  • Vain (بے فائدہ)
  • Worthless (بے قدر)

Antonyms of Abbs

Antonyms of abbs with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Beneficial (مفید)
  • Productive (پیداواری)
  • Effective (کار آمد)
  • Valuable (قیمتی)
  • Useful (مفید)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abbs with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Abbey (noun) – عبادت گاہ
  • Abbot (noun) – مہتمم
  • Abandon (verb) – ترک کرنا
  • Abandonment (noun) – ترکی

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using abbs along with their Urdu meanings:

  • His efforts were abbs. (اس کی کوششیں بے فائدہ تھیں۔)
  • She wandered aimlessly in the city. (وہ شہر میں بے مقصد طور پر گھوم رہی تھی۔)
  • All his attempts turned out to be fruitless. (اس کی تمام کوششیں بے نتیجہ ثابت ہوئیں۔)

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