
Arsenals Meaning in Urdu: اسٹوریج، ہتھیاروں کا گڑھا

Arsenals, pronounced as “ahr-suh-nl”, is a noun that refers to a place where weapons and military equipment are stored or manufactured. In Urdu, it is commonly known as “اسٹوریج” or “ہتھیاروں کا گڑھا”.

Synonyms of Arsenals:

  • Depot – گودام
  • Armory – ہتھیاروں کا گڑھا
  • Ammunition store – بندوق کی دکان

Antonyms of Arsenals:

  • Disarmament – ہتھیاروں کی بندوبست
  • Peace – امن
  • Demilitarization – فوجیت ختم کرنے کا عمل

Nearby Words:

  • Arson (Noun) – جلاوٹ کرنے کا جرم
  • Arsenic (Noun) – زہریلا عنصر
  • Arsenate (Noun) – زہریلی مرکب
  • Arsenical (Adjective) – زہریلا

Origin of the Word Arsenals:

The word “arsenals” originated from the Italian word “arsenale” which means a dockyard or a factory for making ships. It was later adopted into English to specifically refer to places where weapons and military equipment are stored or produced.

Example Sentences:

  1. The government has a vast arsenal of weapons to defend the country. (حکومت کے پاس ملک کی حفاظت کے لئے بہت وسیع ہتھیاروں کا گڑھا ہے۔)
  2. The arsenal was heavily guarded to prevent any unauthorized access. (ہتھیاروں کا گڑھا کسی بھی غیر مجاز رسائی سے بچانے کے لئے مضبوطی سے محفوظ تھا۔)

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