
Arsenic Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Pronunciation, and More

Arsenic, pronounced as “ahr-suh-nik,” is a chemical element with the symbol As and atomic number 33. It is a highly toxic metalloid that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. In Urdu, arsenic is known as “زہریلا” (zehreela), “زہریلی” (zehreli), or “زہریلے عنصر” (zehrele anasir).

Synonyms of Arsenic:

  • 1. Poisonous – زہریلا (zehreela)
  • 2. Toxic – زہریلی (zehreli)
  • 3. Deadly – مہلک (mehlik)

Antonyms of Arsenic:

  • 1. Safe – محفوظ (mahfooz)
  • 2. Harmless – بے ضرر (be zarar)
  • 3. Non-toxic – غیر زہریلا (ghair zehreela)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Arsenical Adjective زہریلے عنصر سے متعلق (zehrele anasir se mutaliq)
Arsenicosis Noun زہریلے عنصر کی بیماری (zehrele anasir ki bemari)
Arsenide Noun زہریلے عنصر کا مرکب (zehrele anasir ka murakkab)

Origin of the Word Arsenic:

The word “arsenic” originated from the Latin word “arsenicum” and the Greek word “arsenikon,” both referring to yellow orpiment. It was later associated with the element arsenic due to its yellow color.

Examples Sentences:

  1. 1. The contaminated water contained high levels of arsenic. (زہریلے عنصر کی بھری ہوئی پانی میں شامل تھا۔)
  2. 2. The victim showed symptoms of arsenic poisoning. (متاثرہ شخص نے زہریلے عنصر کے زہر کے اثرات ظاہر کیے۔)
  3. 3. The laboratory test confirmed the presence of arsenic in the soil. (لیبارٹری ٹیسٹ نے مٹی میں زہریلے عنصر کی موجودگی کی تصدیق کی۔)

For more information on arsenic, you can visit the following websites: