
Backbone Meaning in Urdu: اسپین

Backbone is a noun that refers to the central support structure of a person or thing. It is often used metaphorically to describe someone’s strength, courage, or resilience. In Urdu, the meaning of backbone is اسپین.

Synonyms of Backbone:

  • Spine – ریڑھ کی ہڈی
  • Strength – طاقت
  • Courage – ہمت
  • Resilience – ثابت قدمی

Backbone Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of backbone in English is /ˈbækˌboʊn/. However, in Urdu, it is pronounced as “aspin”.


  • Weakness – کمزوری
  • Fear – ڈر
  • Fragility – نازکی
  • Vulnerability – کمزوری

Nearby Words:

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Origin of the Word Backbone:

The word backbone originated from the Old English word “bæcbon” which means “spine” or “backbone”. It is a combination of “bæc” (back) and “bān” (bone).

Example Sentences:

  1. His strong backbone helped him overcome all obstacles. (اس کی مضبوط اسپین نے اسے تمام رکاوٹوں سے نکلنے میں مدد کی)
  2. She showed great backbone in standing up for her beliefs. (اس نے اپنے عقیدوں کی حمایت کرنے میں بڑی ہمت دکھائی)
  3. Without a strong backbone, it is difficult to face challenges. (مضبوط اسپین کے بغیر، مشکل ہوتا ہے کہ مقابلہ کرنا)

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