
Appendices Meaning in Urdu: اضافیہ

Appendices is the plural form of appendix, which refers to supplementary material or additional information that is added at the end of a book, document, or report. In Urdu, appendices is translated as “اضافیہ” (Izafiya).

Synonyms of Appendices:

  • Supplements – تکمیلیں (Takmeelain)
  • Addenda – اضافی (Izafi)
  • Annexes – ضمیمے (Zameemay)

Antonyms of Appendices:

  • Omissions – حذف (Hazf)
  • Exclusions – خارج (Kharij)
  • Deletions – مٹانا (Mitaana)

Nearby Words:

  • Append – شامل کرنا (Shamil Karna) [Verb]
  • Appendage – ذیلی حصہ (Zaile Hissa) [Noun]
  • Appendant – تابع (Tabay) [Adjective]

Origin of the Word Appendices:

The word “appendices” originated from the Latin word “appendix,” which means “an addition” or “supplement.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. I have included several appendices at the end of my research paper. (میں نے اپنے تحقیقی کاغذ کے آخر میں کئی اضافیہ شامل کی ہیں۔)
  2. Please refer to the appendices for further details. (براہ کرم مزید تفصیلات کے لئے اضافیہ دیکھیں۔)

For more information on appendices, you can visit the following websites: