
Arrow Meaning in Urdu: شہزادہ

An arrow is a projectile weapon that is shot from a bow. It is used for hunting, sport, and warfare. The word “arrow” is pronounced as “air-oh” in English.

Meanings of Arrow in Urdu:

  • شہزادہ (Prince)
  • تیر (Teer)
  • بان (Baann)

Synonyms of Arrow:

  • Dart – تیر (Teer)
  • Projectile – تیر (Teer)
  • Bolt – بان (Baann)

Antonyms of Arrow:

  • Shield – ڈھال (Dhaal) – A protective device
  • Armor – حفاظتی لباس (Hifazati Libas) – Protective clothing
  • Defender – محافظ (Muhafiz) – One who protects

Nearby Words:

  • Bow (Noun) – کمان (Kaman) – A weapon for shooting arrows
  • Archery (Noun) – تیراندازی (Tiranadazi) – The sport of shooting arrows
  • Quiver (Noun) – تیربان (Teerban) – A container for holding arrows
  • Target (Noun) – ہدف (Hadaf) – An object aimed at during shooting

Origin of the Word Arrow:

The word “arrow” originated from Old English “arwe” and is related to Old Norse “ör” and Old High German “aro”.

Example Sentences:

  1. He shot an arrow at the target. (وہ نے ہدف پر تیر چلایا)
  2. The prince held a golden arrow. (شہزادہ نے ایک سونے کی تیر پکڑی)
  3. She aimed the arrow towards the sky. (وہ نے تیر کو آسمان کی طرف نشانہ بنایا)

For more information about the word “arrow,” you can visit the following websites:

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