all at once

Pronunciation and Meaning of All at Once in Urdu

All at once is pronounced as “sab aik saath” in Urdu. It is an idiomatic expression that has multiple meanings depending on the context.

Meanings of All at Once in Urdu

  • Meaning 1: تمام ایک ساتھ (tamam aik saath) – Referring to something happening simultaneously or instantly.
  • Meaning 2: اچانک (achanak) – Referring to something happening unexpectedly or without warning.
  • Meaning 3: بلا وجہ (bila wajah) – Referring to something happening without any reason or cause.

Origin of the Word All at Once

The phrase “all at once” originated from Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century. It combines the words “all” and “once” to convey the idea of something happening simultaneously or instantly.

Synonyms of All at Once

Some synonyms of all at once include:

  • Simultaneously (ایک ساتھ)
  • Suddenly (اچانک)
  • Instantly (فوری طور پر)
  • Immediately (فوراً)

Antonyms of All at Once

Antonyms of all at once with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Gradually (تدریجی طور پر) – Happening slowly or over a period of time.
  • Step by step (قدم بقدم) – Happening in a series of small, incremental steps.
  • One by one (ایک ایک کرکے) – Happening individually or sequentially.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to all at once with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Allegation: Noun – الزام (ilzam)
  • Allegiance: Noun – وفاداری (wafadari)
  • Alleviate: Verb – کم کرنا (kam karna)
  • Alley: Noun – گلی (gali)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • All at once, the lights went out. (تمام ایک ساتھ، بجلی گئی)
  • He appeared all at once, surprising everyone. (وہ اچانک نظر آیا، سب کو حیران کرتے ہوئے)
  • The flowers bloomed all at once. (پھول اچانک کھل گئے)

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