
Amity Meaning in Urdu: اتحاد، دوستی، یاری

Amity is a noun that refers to a friendly and peaceful relationship between people or nations. It signifies a state of harmony, goodwill, and mutual understanding. In Urdu, Amity can be translated as “اتحاد” meaning unity, “دوستی” meaning friendship, and “یاری” meaning companionship.

Synonyms of Amity:

  • Friendship – دوستی
  • Harmony – ہم آہنگی
  • Goodwill – نیک نیتی
  • Comradeship – یاری

Antonyms of Amity:

  • Enmity – دشمنی
  • Conflict – تنازع
  • Hostility – دشمنی
  • Strife – جھگڑا

Nearby Words:

  • Amicable (Adjective) – دوستانہ
  • Amicably (Adverb) – دوستانہ طور پر
  • Amicability (Noun) – دوستانہ رویہ
  • Amicableness (Noun) – دوستانہ پن

Origin of the Word Amity:

The word “amity” originated from the Latin word “amīcitia” which means friendship or alliance. It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He cherished the amity between his neighbors. (وہ اپنے پڑوسیوں کے درمیان دوستی کی قدر کرتا تھا۔)
  2. The two countries signed a treaty to promote amity and cooperation. (دونوں ممالک نے اتحاد اور تعاون کو بڑھانے کے لئے ایک معاہدہ پر دستخط کیا۔)
  3. Amity among colleagues is essential for a productive work environment. (ساتھیوں کے درمیان یاری کارکردگی کے لئے ضروری ہے۔)

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