
Armful Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Armful is a noun that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of armful in Urdu are:

1. بغیر کسی مشقت کے اٹھانے کے قابل مقدار

Meaning: A quantity that can be lifted without any effort.

Example: وہ ایک بغیر کسی مشقت کے اٹھانے کے قابل مقدار لے آیا۔ (He brought an armful of things that could be lifted without any effort.)

2. بہت ساری چیزیں جو باہر سے لائی جائیں

Meaning: A large quantity of things brought from outside.

Example: اس نے باہر سے بہت ساری چیزیں لائیں اور انہیں ایک ارمفل کے طور پر رکھ دیا۔ (He brought a large quantity of things from outside and placed them as an armful.)

Synonyms of Armful

Some synonyms of armful in Urdu are:

1. ہاتھوں کی مقدار

Meaning: Quantity that can be held in hands.

2. ہاتھوں کی بھری ہوئی مقدار

Meaning: Quantity that fills the hands.

Antonyms of Armful

Some antonyms of armful in Urdu are:

1. بے ہمتا

Meaning: Without effort.

2. کم مقدار

Meaning: Small quantity.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to armful in Urdu are:

1. Armchair (Noun) – آرام دہ کرسی

Meaning: A comfortable chair with side supports for resting arms.

2. Armistice (Noun) – صلح

Meaning: An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time.

Origin of the Word Armful

The word armful originated from the combination of two words: “arm” and “ful.” The word “arm” refers to the upper limb of the human body, extending from the shoulder to the hand. The word “ful” is a suffix that means “full of” or “having the quantity of.” Therefore, armful means a quantity that can be held or carried by the arm.


Armful is a versatile word in Urdu with multiple meanings. It can refer to a quantity that can be lifted without effort or a large quantity of things brought from outside. The word has synonyms like “ہاتھوں کی مقدار” and “ہاتھوں کی بھری ہوئی مقدار,” while its antonyms include “بے ہمتا” and “کم مقدار.” Understanding the origin and nearby words related to armful enhances our comprehension of the term. For further information, you can refer to,, and