
Argus-Eyed Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Argus-eyed is an English idiom that refers to someone who is extremely watchful, observant, and vigilant. In Urdu, it can be translated into several meanings:

  1. تیز نظر (tez nazar) – having sharp eyesight
  2. چوکس نظر (chokas nazar) – having vigilant eyes
  3. ہوشیار (hoshiyar) – being alert and attentive

Synonyms of Argus-Eyed

There are several synonyms for argus-eyed, including:

  • Vigilant – ہوشیار (hoshiyar)
  • Watchful – چوکس (chokas)
  • Observant – تیز نظر (tez nazar)
  • Alert – چوکنا (chokna)

Antonyms of Argus-Eyed

On the contrary, the antonyms of argus-eyed are:

  • Unobservant – غافل (ghafil)
  • Inattentive – غفلت آمیز (ghaflat ameez)
  • Unaware – بے خبر (be khabar)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to argus-eyed are:

  • Argus – نگاہ بان (nigah ban) – noun
  • Argue – بحث کرنا (bahas karna) – verb
  • Arguable – بحث کے قابل (bahas ke qabil) – adjective

Origin of the Word Argus-Eyed

The term “argus-eyed” originates from Greek mythology. Argus Panoptes, a giant with a hundred eyes, was known for his exceptional vigilance. The idiom “argus-eyed” is derived from his name, symbolizing the watchfulness and keen observation associated with him.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. She kept an argus-eyed watch on her children. (وہ اپنے بچوں پر تیز نظر رکھتی تھی۔)
  2. The security guard remained argus-eyed throughout the night. (سیکورٹی گارڈ رات بھر چوکس رہا۔)
  3. He has an argus-eyed attention to detail. (اس کو تفصیلات پر تیز نظر ہے۔)

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