
Archangel Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation, Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Examples

Archangel, pronounced as “ahrk-eyn-juhl,” is an English word derived from the Greek word “archangelos,” meaning “chief angel.” In Urdu, Archangel can be translated as “سربراہ فرشتہ” (Sarbarah Farishta), “بڑا فرشتہ” (Bara Farishta), or “فرشتہ کا سربراہ” (Farishta Ka Sarbarah).

Synonyms of Archangel:

  • Angel – فرشتہ (Farishta)
  • Messenger – رسول (Rasool)
  • Divine Being – الہی موجود (Ilahi Maujood)

Antonyms of Archangel:

  • Demon – شیطان (Shaitan)
  • Evil Spirit – بری روح (Buri Rooh)
  • Devil – شیطان (Shaitan)

Nearby Words:

  • Archaeology – تعمیراتیات (Tameeratiyat) – Noun
  • Architect – معمار (Mumarrir) – Noun
  • Archery – تیراندازی (Tiranadazi) – Noun

Origin of the Word Archangel:

The word “archangel” originated from the combination of the Greek words “archos” meaning “chief” and “angelos” meaning “messenger” or “angel.” In religious contexts, archangels are considered to be high-ranking angels who hold significant roles in heavenly hierarchy.

Example Sentences:

  1. The archangel Gabriel is believed to have delivered messages to the prophets. (سربراہ فرشتہ گبرائیل کو منسوب کیا جاتا ہے کہ وہ نبیوں کو پیغام پہنچاتے تھے۔)
  2. Michael is known as the archangel who fought against evil forces. (مائیکل کو وہ سربراہ فرشتہ جانا جاتا ہے جو برائی کے قوتوں سے لڑا۔)

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