
Arboreous Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Usage

Arboreous is an adjective that refers to something related to or resembling a tree. In Urdu, it can be translated as “درختوں سے بھرا ہوا” (darakhton se bhara hua) or “شجری” (shajri).

Synonyms of Arboreous

1. Woody – “لکڑی جیسا” (lakri jaisa)

2. Treelike – “درخت نما” (darakht numa)

3. Arboreal – “درختوں سے متعلق” (darakhton se mutaliq)

Antonyms of Arboreous

1. Herbaceous – “گھاسیں” (ghasain)

2. Non-arboreal – “غیر شجری” (ghair shajri)

3. Bushy – “جھاڑی دار” (jhadi daar)

Nearby Words

1. Arbor – Noun – “درخت” (darakht)

2. Arboretum – Noun – “درختوں کا باغ” (darakhton ka bagh)

3. Arboreal – Adjective – “درختوں سے متعلق” (darakhton se mutaliq)

Origin of the Word Arboreous

The word “arboreous” originated from the Latin word “arbor,” which means “tree.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The arboreous landscape of the forest was breathtaking. – جنگل کا شجری منظر دلکش تھا۔

2. The squirrel jumped from one arboreous branch to another. – گلہری ایک شجری شاخ سے دوسری پر کود گئی۔

3. The arboreous plants provided shade on a hot summer day. – شجری پودے گرمی کے دنوں میں سایہ فراہم کرتے تھے۔

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