
Apportions Meaning in Urdu: انتقال کرنا

Apportions is a verb that means to distribute or allocate something among different people or groups. In Urdu, it is translated as “انتقال کرنا”. Here are a few other meanings of apportions in Urdu:

  • تقسیم کرنا (Taqseem Karna) – to divide
  • بانٹنا (Baantna) – to share
  • حصص دینا (Hissay Dena) – to give portions

Synonyms of Apportions:

1. Allocates – تفویض کرتا ہے (Tafweez Karta Hai)

2. Divides – تقسیم کرتا ہے (Taqseem Karta Hai)

3. Shares – بانٹتا ہے (Baantta Hai)

Antonyms of Apportions:

1. Collects – جمع کرتا ہے (Jama Karta Hai)

2. Consolidates – متحد کرتا ہے (Muttahid Karta Hai)

3. Combines – ملاتا ہے (Milata Hai)

Nearby Words:

1. Apportionment (Noun) – تقسیم (Taqseem)

2. Apportioned (Adjective) – تقسیم شدہ (Taqseem Shuda)

3. Apportioning (Noun) – تقسیم کرنا (Taqseem Karna)

Origin of the Word Apportions:

The word “apportions” originated from the Latin word “apportionare”, which means to divide or share. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

1. The teacher apportions equal time for each student to present their project. (استاد ہر طالب علم کو ان کے منصوبے کو پیش کرنے کے لئے برابر وقت تقسیم کرتا ہے۔)

2. The committee apportions the budget among various departments. (کمیٹی مختلف اداروں کے درمیان بجٹ تقسیم کرتی ہے۔)

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