
Apathetic Meaning in Urdu: اکھڑ پن

Apathetic is an adjective that is used to describe someone who lacks interest, enthusiasm, or concern about something. In Urdu, apathetic can be translated as “اکھڑ پن” which means indifference or disinterest.

Synonyms of Apathetic:

  • Uninterested – بے دل
  • Indifferent – بے پروا
  • Nonchalant – بے پروا
  • Unresponsive – بے تعلق

Antonyms of Apathetic:

  • Enthusiastic – ولولہ مند
  • Passionate – جذباتی
  • Engaged – مشغول
  • Concerned – پریشان

Nearby Words:

  • Apathy (Noun) – بے دلی
  • Apathetically (Adverb) – بے دلی سے
  • Apatheticism (Noun) – بے دلی کا عقیدہ

Origin of the Word Apathetic:

The word apathetic originated from the Greek word “apatheia” which means “without feeling” or “without suffering.” It was later adopted into English in the mid-17th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. She showed an apathetic response to the news. (وہ خبروں کے سامنے بے دلی کا ردِ عمل دکھائیں)
  2. The apathetic attitude of the students towards their studies is concerning. (طلباء کا مطالعے کے حوالے سے بے دلانہ رویہ پریشانی کا باعث ہے)

For more information about the word “apathetic,” you can visit the following websites: