appoin ted

Appoin ted Meaning in Urdu: انتخاب کرنا

Appoin ted is a verb that means to select or designate someone for a particular position or task. It is derived from the Old French word “apointer,” which means to arrange or prepare. In Urdu, the meaning of appoin ted is انتخاب کرنا.

Meanings of Appoin ted in Urdu:

  • انتخاب کرنا
  • تعین کرنا
  • مقرر کرنا

Synonyms of Appoin ted:

  • Designate (تعین کرنا)
  • Assign (تفویض کرنا)
  • Delegate (منتخب کرنا)

Antonyms of Appoin ted:

  • Dismiss (برطرف کرنا)
  • Remove (ہٹانا)
  • Terminate (ختم کرنا)

Nearby Words:

  • Appointment (noun) – تقرری
  • Appointee (noun) – منتخب شدہ شخص
  • Appointer (noun) – منتخب کرنے والا

Origin of the Word Appoin ted:

The word “appoin ted” originated from the Old French word “apointer,” which means to arrange or prepare. It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He was appoin ted as the new manager of the company. (وہ کمپنی کے نئے منیجر کے طور پر منتخب کیا گیا تھا۔)
  2. The committee will appoin t a new chairman next week. (کمیٹی اگلے ہفتے ایک نئے چیئرمین کو منتخب کرے گی۔)

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