aggrieved party

Aggrieved Party: Pronunciation, Meaning in Urdu, Origin, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words


The pronunciation of “aggrieved party” is [uh-greevd pahr-tee].

Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “aggrieved party” in Urdu includes:

  1. مظلوم طرف (mazloom taraf)
  2. متاثرہ طرف (mutasirah taraf)
  3. ناراض طرف (naraz taraf)


The term “aggrieved party” originated from the legal domain. It refers to a person or entity that has been wronged or harmed by another party’s actions or behavior.


Synonyms of “aggrieved party” include:

  • injured party
  • victim
  • complainant
  • plaintiff
  • damaged party


Antonyms of “aggrieved party” with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Wrongdoer – مجرم (mujrim)
  • Offender – مجرم (mujrim)
  • Perpetrator – مجرم (mujrim)

Nearby Words

Words related to “aggrieved party” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Aggrieved Adjective متاثرہ (mutasirah)
Party Noun طرف (taraf)
Complainant Noun شکایت کرنے والا (shikayat karne wala)
Plaintiff Noun مدعی (muddai)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “aggrieved party” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. The aggrieved party demanded compensation for the damages. (متاثرہ طرف نے نقصانات کے لئے تلافی کی مطالبہ کی)
  2. The complainant is the aggrieved party in this case. (شکایت کرنے والا اس مقدمے میں متاثرہ طرف ہے)
  3. The plaintiff is the aggrieved party seeking justice. (مدعی عدالت کی تلاش میں متاثرہ طرف ہے)


For more information on “aggrieved party,” you can visit the following sources: