anxiety neurosis

Anxiety Neurosis Meaning in Urdu

Anxiety Neurosis, also known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), is a psychological condition characterized by excessive and persistent worrying about everyday situations. It is important to understand the pronunciation and meaning of Anxiety Neurosis in Urdu to gain a comprehensive understanding of this disorder.

Pronunciation of Anxiety Neurosis

The pronunciation of Anxiety Neurosis in Urdu is [an-khahy-tee noo-roh-sis].

Meanings of Anxiety Neurosis in Urdu

  • تشویشی عصبی بیماری (Tashweeshi Asbi Bimari)
  • فکرمندی کا عصبی مرض (Fikrmandi Ka Asbi Marz)
  • پریشانی کا عصبی مرض (Preshani Ka Asbi Marz)

Synonyms of Anxiety Neurosis

  • Worry Disorder – فکر کا اختلال (Fikr Ka Ikhtilal)
  • Stress Disorder – تناو کا اختلال (Tanao Ka Ikhtilal)
  • Tension Disorder – دباو کا اختلال (Dabao Ka Ikhtilal)

Antonyms of Anxiety Neurosis

  • Peace of Mind – دل کی سکون (Dil Ki Sukoon)
  • Tranquility – سکون (Sukoon)
  • Relaxation – آرام (Aaram)

Nearby Words

  • Anxiety (Noun) – تشویش (Tashweesh)
  • Neurosis (Noun) – عصبی مرض (Asbi Marz)
  • Meaning (Noun) – معنی (Ma’ani)

Origin of the Word Anxiety Neurosis

The term “Anxiety Neurosis” originated from the combination of the Latin word “anxietas” meaning “distress” or “anxiety,” and the Greek word “neurosis” meaning “nerve disorder.” It was first used in the late 19th century to describe a specific type of psychological disorder.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • I have been suffering from anxiety neurosis for years. – میں سالوں سے تشویشی عصبی بیماری سے متاثر ہوں۔
  • She experiences anxiety neurosis whenever she has to speak in public. – جب بھی وہ عوامی سامنے بولنا پڑتا ہے تو وہ تشویشی عصبی بیماری کا سامنا کرتی ہے۔

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