
Appetent Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Usage

Appetent is an adjective that is used to describe someone who has a strong desire or craving for something. In Urdu, appetent can be translated as “خواہشمند” (khwahishmand) or “آرزومند” (arzumand).

Synonyms of Appetent

Some synonyms of appetent include:

  • Desirous – “خواہشمند” (khwahishmand)
  • Eager – “بیقرار” (beqarar)
  • Craving – “خواہش” (khwahish)
  • Longing – “تمنا” (tamanna)

Antonyms of Appetent

Some antonyms of appetent include:

  • Indifferent – “بے پروا” (be parwa)
  • Disinterested – “بے دل” (be dil)
  • Apathetic – “بے حس” (be hiss)
  • Uninterested – “غیر دلچسپ” (ghair dilchasp)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to appetent are:

  • Appetite (noun) – “خواہش” (khwahish)
  • Appetizer (noun) – “شروع کرنے والا” (shuru karne wala)
  • Appetizing (adjective) – “لازوال” (lazawal)
  • Appetence (noun) – “خواہش” (khwahish)

Origin of the Word Appetent

The word “appetent” originated from the Latin word “appetentem,” which means “desiring eagerly.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using the word “appetent” in Urdu:

  1. وہ ایک خواہشمند شخص ہے۔ (He is an appetent person.)
  2. مجھے ایک آرزومند کھانے کی تھالی چاہئے۔ (I need an appetent meal platter.)
  3. تمناوں سے بھرپور ایک خواہشمند دن گزاریں۔ (Spend an appetent day filled with desires.)

For more information about the word “appetent,” you can visit the following websites: