
Anthology Meaning in Urdu: انتخابی مجموعہ

An anthology is a collection of literary works or pieces of art that are selected and compiled together. It can include poems, stories, essays, songs, or any other form of creative expression. The word “anthology” is derived from the Greek word “anthologia,” which means “flower-gathering” or “collection of flowers.”

Synonyms of Anthology:

  • Compilation – ترتیب
  • Selection – انتخاب
  • Assortment – مختلف اشیاء کا مجموعہ
  • Collectanea – مختلف کتب کا مجموعہ

Antonyms of Anthology:

  • Disarray – بےترتیبی
  • Disorganization – بے ترتیبی
  • Scatter – پھیلانا
  • Separation – علیحدگی

Nearby Words:

  • Anticipate (verb) – توقع کرنا
  • Antidote (noun) – علاج
  • Antique (adjective) – قدیم
  • Antonym (noun) – الٹ لفظ

Origin of the Word Anthology:

The word “anthology” originated from the Greek word “anthologia,” which was a combination of “anthos” meaning “flower” and “logos” meaning “collection” or “study.” In ancient Greece, anthologies were created to compile and preserve the works of various poets and writers.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. The English Literature department published an anthology of classic poems. (انگریزی ادب کے ادارے نے کلاسیک شاعریوں کا انتخابی مجموعہ شائع کیا۔)
  2. I gifted her an anthology of short stories by famous authors. (میں نے اسے مشہور مصنفین کی مختصر کہانیوں کا انتخابی مجموعہ تحفہ دیا۔)

For more information about the word “anthology,” you can visit the following websites:

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