
Adequacy: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin

Adequacy is a noun that is pronounced as “ad-i-kwuh-see” in English. It is derived from the Latin word “adequatus,” which means “equal to” or “sufficient.” The word adequacy refers to the state or quality of being sufficient or suitable for a particular purpose or requirement.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • کافیت (kaafiyat)
  • مناسبت (munasabat)
  • موزوں (mawazoon)


Some synonyms of adequacy include:

  • competence (اہلیت)
  • capability (صلاحیت)
  • sufficiency (کفایت)


Some antonyms of adequacy include:

  • inadequacy (ناکافی)
  • insufficiency (ناکافیت)
  • incompetence (نااہلیت)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to adequacy are:

  • adequate (کافی)
  • adequately (کفایت سے)
  • adequateness (کفایت)

Examples Sentences:

  1. The resources provided were adequate for the project. (مہیا کیے گئے وسائل منصوبے کے لئے کافی تھے۔)
  2. She felt a sense of adequacy after completing the task. (کام مکمل کرنے کے بعد اسے کفایت کا احساس ہوا۔)
  3. His performance was deemed adequate by the judges. (قاضیوں نے اس کی پیشکش کو کافی قرار دیا۔)

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