ankle joint

Ankle Joint Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Examples

The ankle joint, known as “ٹخنے کا جوڑ” in Urdu, is a crucial joint that connects the foot to the leg. It allows for movement such as flexion, extension, and rotation of the foot. Here are a few meanings of ankle joint in Urdu:

Meanings in Urdu:

  • ٹخنے کا جوڑ
  • پاؤں کا جوڑ
  • ٹانگ کا جوڑ


Some synonyms of ankle joint include:

  • Joint of the ankle
  • Tarsal joint
  • Foot joint


Antonyms of ankle joint in Urdu:

  • بغیر جوڑ کے
  • بے جوڑ
  • بے ربط

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to ankle joint:

  • Leg (noun) – ٹانگ
  • Foot (noun) – پاؤں
  • Bone (noun) – ہڈی
  • Muscle (noun) – پٹھا

Origin of the Word:

The word “ankle” originated from the Old English word “ancleow” which means “ankle” or “leg joint.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “ankulaz” and the Proto-Indo-European word “angul.” The word “joint” comes from the Old French word “joint” meaning “joint” or “knuckle.”

Example Sentences:

  1. He twisted his ankle joint while playing football. (وہ فٹبال کھیلتے ہوئے اپنے ٹخنے کا جوڑ مڑ گیا۔)
  2. She sprained her ankle joint and had to use crutches. (اس نے اپنے ٹخنے کا جوڑ ٹیڑھا کر لیا اور کرچی استعمال کرنی پڑی۔)
  3. He underwent surgery to repair his damaged ankle joint. (اس نے اپنے خراب ٹخنے کے جوڑ کو مرمت کرانے کے لئے آپریشن کروایا۔)

For more information about the ankle joint, you can visit the following websites: