
Ancestries Meaning in Urdu: اجداد کی نسلیں

Ancestries, pronounced as “an-ses-treez”, refers to the plural form of the word “ancestry”. It is derived from the Latin word “antecessor”, meaning “predecessor” or “forefather”. In Urdu, ancestries can be translated as “اجداد کی نسلیں”.

Synonyms of Ancestries:

  • Lineage – نسل
  • Descent – نسل
  • Heritage – وراثت
  • Family Tree – خاندانی شجرہ

Antonyms of Ancestries:

  • Posterity – نسل بعد
  • Descendants – نسل بعد
  • Offspring – نسل بعد
  • Progeny – نسل بعد

Nearby Words:

  • Ancestor (Noun) – آبا و اجداد
  • Ancestral (Adjective) – آبائی
  • Ancestrally (Adverb) – آبائی طور پر
  • Ancestral Home (Noun) – آبائی گھر

Origin of the Word Ancestries:

The word “ancestries” originated from the Middle English word “ancestre”, which came from Old French “ancestre” and Latin “antecessor”. It refers to the collective lineage or family history of a person or a group.

Examples Sentences:

  1. His ancestries can be traced back to ancient Persia. (وہ کیا جا سکتا ہے کہ اس کی نسلیں قدیم فارس تک تعاقب کی جا سکتی ہیں۔)
  2. Exploring one’s ancestries can provide a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage. (اپنی نسلوں کا تعاقب کرنا ان کی ثقافتی ورثے کی مزید گہری سمجھ فراہم کر سکتا ہے۔)

For more information about ancestries, you can visit the following websites:

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