
Adder Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “adder” is pronounced as “ad-er” with the stress on the first syllable. In Urdu, it is known as “زہریلا سانپ” (zehreela saanp) or “سانپ” (saanp), which translates to “venomous snake” or simply “snake”.

Origin of the Word Adder

The word “adder” originated from the Old English word “nædre”, which means “serpent” or “snake”. It has been used to refer to venomous snakes since the 14th century.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of adder include viper, serpent, cobra, and rattlesnake. Antonyms for adder, meaning “snake” in Urdu, include “بغیر سانپ” (baghair saanp) meaning “without snake” or “snakeless”.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to adder in Urdu are:

  • Noun: سانپ کا چھوٹا سا بچہ (saanp ka chhota sa bacha) – meaning “baby snake”
  • Verb: شامل کرنا (shamil karna) – meaning “to add”
  • Adjective: زیادہ (zyada) – meaning “more”

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences with Urdu meanings:

  • He was bitten by an adder. (وہ زہریلے سانپ نے کاٹ لیا)
  • The adder slithered through the grass. (زہریلا سانپ گھاس کے میں رسیلا ہوا)
  • Please add sugar to the tea. (چائے میں چینی شامل کریں)


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