
Anarchist Meaning in Urdu: Understanding the Concept of Anarchy

Anarchist, pronounced as “an-er-kist,” is a term that refers to a person who advocates for the absence of government or any form of authority. In Urdu, the word “anarchist” can be translated as “بے حکومتی پسند” (be-hukoomati pasand), which literally means someone who favors or supports anarchy.

Synonyms of Anarchist:

  • Revolutionary – انقلابی (inqilabi)
  • Rebel – باغی (baghi)
  • Insurgent – بغاوت کار (baghawat kar)

Antonyms of Anarchist:

  • Authoritarian – اتنازی (itnazi)
  • Dictator – آمر (aamir)
  • Ruler – حاکم (hakim)

Nearby Words:

  • Anarchy (Noun) – بے حکومتی (be-hukoomati)
  • Anarchism (Noun) – بے حکومتیت (be-hukoomatit)
  • Anarchic (Adjective) – بے حکومتی (be-hukoomati)

Origin of the Word Anarchist:

The term “anarchist” originated from the Greek word “anarkhos,” which means “without a ruler.” It gained prominence in the mid-17th century and has since been associated with various political and social movements advocating for a stateless society.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He was known for his anarchist beliefs and actively participated in protests against government policies. (وہ اپنے بے حکومتیت کے عقائد کے لئے مشہور تھا اور حکومتی پالیسیوں کے خلاف احتجاجات میں سرگرمی سے حصہ لیتا تھا۔)
  2. The anarchist group aimed to dismantle the existing power structures and establish a society based on voluntary cooperation. (بے حکومتی گروپ کا مقصد موجودہ طاقت کے ساختوں کو توڑنا اور رضاکارانہ تعاون پر مبنی ایک معاشرتی نظام قائم کرنا تھا۔)

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