
Ample Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Ample is an English word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of ample in Urdu are:

1. وافر (Wafir)

Meaning: Sufficient, plentiful, abundant

Example: اس کتاب میں وافر معلومات ہیں۔ (This book has ample information.)

2. کافی (Kaafi)

Meaning: Enough, satisfactory, adequate

Example: اس میں کافی وقت لگے گا۔ (It will take ample time.)

3. کثیر (Kaseer)

Meaning: Numerous, many, plenty

Example: اس شہر میں کثیر مقامات ہیں۔ (There are ample places in this city.)

Synonyms of Ample

Some synonyms of ample include:

  • Abundant – وافر (Wafir)
  • Plentiful – کافی (Kaafi)
  • Sufficient – کافی (Kaafi)
  • Enough – کافی (Kaafi)
  • Plenty – کثیر (Kaseer)

Antonyms of Ample

Some antonyms of ample with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Scarce – کم (Kam)
  • Insufficient – ناکافی (Nakaafi)
  • Inadequate – ناکافی (Nakaafi)
  • Limited – محدود (Mehdood)
  • Short – کم (Kam)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to ample with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Amplify (verb) – بڑھانا (Barhana)
  • Amplification (noun) – تفصیل (Tafseel)
  • Amplifier (noun) – ایمپلیفائر (Amplifier)
  • Ampleness (noun) – وافریت (Wafiriat)

Origin of the Word Ample

The word ample originated from the Latin word “amplus” meaning “large” or “abundant.” It entered the English language in the 15th century.


Ample is a versatile word with various meanings in Urdu. It signifies sufficiency, abundance, and satisfaction. Understanding its synonyms, antonyms, and nearby words can enhance vocabulary and communication skills. Exploring the origin of words like ample provides insights into their historical context. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, and