
Actuated Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Actuated is pronounced as “ak-choo-ey-tid” and it is an adjective. In Urdu, actuated can be translated as:

  • متحرک (mutaharrik)
  • متحرک کرنا (mutaharrik karna)
  • حرکت کرنا (harkat karna)

Origin of the Word Actuated

The word actuated originated from the Latin word “actuatus,” which means “put into motion.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Synonyms of Actuated

Some synonyms of actuated include:

  • motivated
  • driven
  • stimulated
  • prompted
  • activated

Antonyms of Actuated

Antonyms of actuated with their Urdu meanings are:

  • معطل (mu’attal) – delayed
  • منسوخ (mansookh) – revoked
  • منسوخ کرنا (mansookh karna) – to revoke
  • روکنا (rokna) – to stop
  • منسوخ کرنے والا (mansookh karnay wala) – revoker

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to actuated with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Actuate (verb) – متحرک کرنا (mutaharrik karna)
  • Actuation (noun) – حرکت (harkat)
  • Actuator (noun) – متحرک کرنے والا (mutaharrik karnay wala)
  • Action (noun) – کام (kaam)
  • Active (adjective) – سرگرم (sargarm)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using actuated along with their Urdu meanings:

  • He was actuated by a desire for revenge. (وہ انتقام کی خواہش سے متحرک تھا۔)
  • The new policy actuated positive changes in the company. (نئی پالیسی نے کمپنی میں مثبت تبدیلیاں متحرک کیں۔)
  • Her success actuated her to work even harder. (اس کامیابی نے اسے مزید محنت کرنے پر متحرک کیا۔)

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