after ones own heart

After One’s Own Heart: A Meaningful Phrase

Pronunciation: [af-ter wuhnz ohn hahrt]

Meaning in Urdu:

1. دل کے قریب

2. دل کے مطابق

3. دل کے موافق

Origin of the Word:

The phrase “after one’s own heart” originated from the Bible, specifically from the book of 1 Samuel 13:14. It refers to someone who shares the same beliefs, values, or interests as another person.


1. Like-minded

2. Kindred spirit

3. Soul mate


1. Opposite

2. Dissimilar

3. Contrary

Nearby Words:

1. Aftermath (noun) – بعد ازاں

2. Afternoon (noun) – دوپہر

3. Afterward (adverb) – بعد میں

Example Sentences:

1. He is a man after my own heart. (وہ میرے دل کے قریب کا آدمی ہے۔)

2. She found a friend who was after her own heart. (اس نے ایک دوست تلا جو اس کے دل کے موافق تھا۔)

3. The artist’s work was after my own heart. (فنکاری کا کام میرے دل کے مطابق تھا۔)

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