after one’s own heart

After One’s Own Heart Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “after one’s own heart” is [af-ter wuhnz ohn hahrt].

After One’s Own Heart Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “after one’s own heart” in Urdu can be translated as:

  1. دل کے مطابق (meaning: according to one’s heart)
  2. مناسب (meaning: suitable)
  3. منظور (meaning: approved)

Origin of the Word After One’s Own Heart

The phrase “after one’s own heart” originated from the Bible, specifically from the book of 1 Samuel 13:14. It is used to describe someone who shares the same qualities, preferences, or values as another person.

Synonyms of After One’s Own Heart

Synonyms of “after one’s own heart” include:

  • Kindred spirit
  • Like-minded
  • Soulmate
  • Compatible


Antonyms of “after one’s own heart” in Urdu:

  1. خلاف دل (meaning: opposite of heart)
  2. نا مناسب (meaning: unsuitable)
  3. نا منظور (meaning: disapproved)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “after one’s own heart” are:

  • Aftermath (noun) – بعد از واقعہ
  • Afternoon (noun) – دوپہر
  • Afterward (adverb) – بعد میں
  • Afterlife (noun) – آخرت

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “after one’s own heart” with their Urdu translations:

  1. He is a man after my own heart. (وہ ایک آدمی ہے جو میرے دل کے مطابق ہے۔)
  2. She found a friend who is after her own heart. (اس نے ایک دوست تلا جو اس کے دل کے مطابق ہے۔)
  3. His taste in music is after my own heart. (اس کا موسیقی میں رچنے کا ذوق میرے دل کے مطابق ہے۔)

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