
Analgesia Meaning in Urdu: اندھیرا

Analgesia is a medical term that refers to the inability to feel pain. It is derived from the Greek words “an” meaning without, and “algos” meaning pain. In Urdu, analgesia can be translated as “اندھیرا” which also means darkness or numbness.

Synonyms of Analgesia:

  • Anesthesia – بے حسی
  • Numbness – سنسانی
  • Insensibility – بے حسی

Antonyms of Analgesia:

  • Sensitivity – حساسیت
  • Pain – درد
  • Discomfort – تکلیف

Nearby Words:

  • Analgesic (Noun) – درد کم کرنے والی دوا
  • Analgetic (Adjective) – درد کم کرنے والا
  • Analgesics (Plural Noun) – درد کم کرنے والی دوائیاں

Origin of the Word Analgesia:

The term “analgesia” was first used in the early 19th century by the French physician François Magendie. It was later popularized by the Scottish surgeon James Young Simpson. The concept of analgesia has been an important development in the field of medicine, allowing for pain relief during surgeries and other medical procedures.

Examples Sentences:

  1. After the administration of the analgesic, the patient experienced analgesia and felt no pain. (درد کم کرنے والی دوا کے استعمال کے بعد، مریض کو اندھیرا محسوس ہوا اور درد نہیں ہوا۔)
  2. The dentist used local anesthesia to induce analgesia before the dental procedure. (دندان ساز نے دندانوں کے عمل سے پہلے مقامی بے حسی استعمال کی تاکہ اندھیرا پیدا ہوسکے۔)

For more information about analgesia, you can visit the following websites: