
Affirmations: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Affirmations, pronounced as “af-er-mey-shuhns,” are positive statements that are used to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. These statements help individuals reprogram their subconscious mind and replace self-limiting beliefs with empowering ones. In Urdu, affirmations are known as “تصدیقات” (tasdeeqaat) or “تصدیقی الفاظ” (tasdeeqi alfaaz).

Origin of the Word Affirmations

The word “affirmations” originates from the Latin word “affirmare,” which means “to make steady, strengthen.” It entered the English language in the 17th century and has since become widely used in personal development and self-improvement practices.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for affirmations include declarations, assertions, and positive statements. Antonyms of affirmations, meaning opposite in nature, include denials, negations, and refusals. In Urdu, antonyms can be referred to as “متضاد الفاظ” (mutazad alfaaz).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to affirmations include:

  • Verb: Affirm (تصدیق کرنا)
  • Noun: Affirmation (تصدیق)
  • Adjective: Affirmative (تصدیقی)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using affirmations in Urdu:

  1. میں اپنی قوتوں پر یقین رکھتا ہوں۔ (I believe in my strengths.)
  2. میں خود کو قابل کام سمجھتا ہوں۔ (I consider myself capable.)
  3. میں خوشی اور سکون کو اپنی زندگی میں داخل کرتا ہوں۔ (I invite happiness and peace into my life.)

Additional Resources

For more information on affirmations, you can visit the following websites: