
Alike: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin

Pronunciation: uh-lahyk

Meaning in Urdu:

مشابہت رکھنے والا

ایک جیسا


Origin of the Word:

The word “alike” originated from the Middle English word “alik,” which means “similar” or “comparable.” It can be traced back to the Old English word “onlīc,” which means “similar” or “equal.”

Synonyms of Alike:

Similar, identical, comparable, parallel, corresponding


Distinct – مختلف

Different – مختلف

Unrelated – غیر متعلقہ

Nearby Words:

Noun: Aliment – غذا

Adjective: Alien – بیگانہ

Adverb: Alight – اترنا

Verb: Align – صف بندی کرنا

Example Sentences:

1. The two sisters look alike. (دو بہنیں ایک جیسی نظر آتی ہیں۔)

2. The houses in the neighborhood are alike in design. (محلے میں گھروں کی ڈیزائن ایک جیسی ہے۔)

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