
Afterpiece: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Pronunciation: af-ter-pees

Meaning in Urdu: بعد کا حصہ

Afterpiece is a noun that refers to a short entertainment piece performed after the main play or performance. It is often a light-hearted or comedic act that follows the main event. In Urdu, afterpiece can be translated as “بعد کا حصہ”.

Origin of the Word Afterpiece

The word afterpiece originated from the combination of two words: “after” and “piece.” The term “after” refers to something that comes later or follows, while “piece” refers to a part or section of a whole. Together, afterpiece signifies the part of a performance that comes after the main act.

Synonyms of Afterpiece

1. Epilogue – ختم کرنے والا حصہ

2. Coda – ختمی حصہ

3. Finale – ختم کرنے والا حصہ


1. Prologue – آغازی حصہ

2. Prelude – آغازی حصہ

3. Opening Act – آغازی حصہ

Nearby Words

1. Aftermath (noun) – بعد میں ہونے والا واقعہ

2. Afternoon (noun) – دوپہر

3. Afterward (adverb) – بعد میں

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The afterpiece had the audience laughing throughout the entire performance. (بعد کا حصہ نے تمام اداکاروں کو ہنسا دیا)

2. The afterpiece provided a lighthearted ending to the intense drama. (بعد کا حصہ نے تنگ کن ڈرامے کو خوشگوار اختتام دیا)

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