
Advise: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

When it comes to communication, words play a vital role in conveying our thoughts and ideas. One such word is “advise,” which holds significant importance in both English and Urdu languages. Let’s explore the pronunciation, meaning, origin, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, and example sentences of “advise.”


The correct pronunciation of “advise” is /ədˈvaɪz/.

Meaning in Urdu:

In Urdu, “advise” can be translated into multiple meanings, including:

  1. مشورہ دینا (mashwara dena)
  2. راہ دکھانا (raah dikhaana)
  3. تجویز کرنا (tajweez karna)

Origin of the Word:

The word “advise” originated from the Old French word “aviser,” which means “to consider” or “to see.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.


Some synonyms of “advise” include:

  • Recommend
  • Counsel
  • Suggest
  • Guide
  • Propose


Antonyms of “advise” with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Ignore – نظرانداز کریں (nazar andaz karein)
  • Discourage – حوصلہ شکنی کریں (hosla shikni karein)
  • Mislead – گمراہ کریں (gumrah karein)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “advise” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Advice (noun) – مشورہ (mashwara)
  • Advisable (adjective) – مشورے کے قابل (mashware ke qaabil)
  • Adviser (noun) – مشیر (mushir)
  • Advisedly (adverb) – سوچ سمجھ کر (soch samajh kar)

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences demonstrating the usage of “advise” with their Urdu meanings:

  1. Can you advise me on which book to read? – کیا آپ مجھے بتا سکتے ہیں کہ کونسی کتاب پڑھنی چاہئے؟ (kya aap mujhe bata sakte hain ke kaunsi kitaab parhni chahiye?)
  2. I advise you to take a break and relax. – میں آپ کو مشورہ دیتا ہوں کہ آپ ایک استراحت لیں اور آرام کریں (main aap ko mashwara deta hoon ke aap ek istirahat lein aur aaram karein)
  3. She advised him against making that decision. – اس نے اسے اس فیصلے کے خلاف مشورہ دیا (usne use is faislay ke khilaf mashwara diya)

For more information about “advise,” you can visit the following websites:

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