
Apologetic Meaning in Urdu: اعتذاری

Apologetic is an adjective that is used to describe someone who feels or expresses regret, remorse, or sorrow for an offense or mistake. In Urdu, the meaning of apologetic is اعتذاری.

Meanings of Apologetic in Urdu:

  • اعتذاری – expressing regret or remorse
  • معذرت خواہ – seeking forgiveness
  • ندامت انگیز – causing remorse

Synonyms of Apologetic:

Regretful (نادم), Sorry (معذرت), Remorseful (ندامت انگیز)

Antonyms of Apologetic:

Unapologetic (بے اعتذار), Defiant (سرکش), Unrepentant (نادم نہ ہونے والا)

Nearby Words:

  • Apologetics (noun) – دلیلیات
  • Apologetically (adverb) – اعتذار کے ساتھ
  • Apologetist (noun) – دلیلی

Origin of the Word Apologetic:

The word apologetic originated from the Greek word “apologia,” which means a defense or justification. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He gave an apologetic smile. (وہ ایک اعتذاری مسکانہ دیا۔)
  2. She sounded apologetic for her mistake. (وہ اپنی غلطی کے لئے اعتذاری لگ رہی تھی۔)
  3. The apologetic letter was heartfelt. (اعتذاری خط دل سے تھا۔)

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