
Anvil Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Pronunciation, and Usage

Anvil is a noun that refers to a heavy iron or steel block used by blacksmiths as a surface for shaping metal. In Urdu, anvil can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of Anvil in Urdu:

  • دھات کا بڑا پتھر: This meaning refers to a large stone made of metal.
  • لوہے کا بڑا پتھر: This meaning signifies a big stone made of iron.
  • بڑا ہتھوڑا: This meaning represents a large hammer.

Synonyms of Anvil:

Some synonyms of anvil include:

  • Hammer: ہتھوڑا
  • Forge: دھات کا بنا ہوا
  • Workbench: کام کا تختہ

Antonyms of Anvil:

Antonyms of anvil with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Light: ہلکا
  • Soft: نرم
  • Gentle: نرمی سے

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to anvil:

  • Hammer (Noun): ہتھوڑا
  • Forge (Noun): دھات کا بنا ہوا
  • Blacksmith (Noun): لوہار
  • Metal (Noun): دھات

Origin of the Word Anvil:

The word “anvil” originated from the Old English word “anfilt,” which can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “anafelduz.” It is a combination of “ana” meaning “on” and “felduz” meaning “flat surface.” The word has evolved over time to its current form, referring to the heavy metal block used by blacksmiths.

Example Sentences:

  1. English: The blacksmith hammered the red-hot iron on the anvil.
  2. Urdu: لوہار نے لال ہوتے ہوئے لوہے کو انویل پر مارا۔

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