
Admeasure Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Admeasure is pronounced as “ad-mezh-er”.

The word “admeasure” is derived from the Latin word “admeasurare”, which means to measure out or apportion. In Urdu, it is translated as:

  • تقسیم کرنا (taqseem karna)
  • ناپنا (napna)
  • تقسیم کرنے کا عمل (taqseem karnay ka amal)

Origin of the Word Admeasure

The word “admeasure” originated from the combination of the Latin prefix “ad-” meaning “to” or “towards”, and the word “measure”. It first appeared in the English language in the late 15th century.

Synonyms of Admeasure

Some synonyms of admeasure include:

  • Allocate
  • Apportion
  • Distribute
  • Divide
  • Measure

Antonyms of Admeasure

Antonyms of admeasure in Urdu are:

  • جمع کرنا (jama karna) – Combine
  • ملا کرنا (mila karna) – Unite
  • مختلف کرنا (mukhtalif karna) – Differentiate

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to admeasure are:

  • Noun: Admeasurement – تقسیم (taqseem)
  • Noun: Admeasurer – ناپنے والا (napnay wala)
  • Verb: Admeasured – ناپا گیا (napa gaya)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using the word “admeasure” along with their Urdu translations:

  1. They will admeasure the land before constructing the building. (وہ عمارت بنانے سے پہلے زمین کا ناپ لیں گے۔)
  2. The government plans to admeasure the resources equally among all provinces. (حکومت کا منصوبہ ہے کہ وہ تمام صوبوں میں وسائل کا برابر تقسیم کریں۔)
  3. He admeasured the fabric to ensure it would fit perfectly. (اس نے کپڑے کا ناپ لیا تاکہ یہ بالکل ٹھیک ٹھیک ہو سکے۔)

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