
Aide-Memoire: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Aide-Memoire is a French term that has been adopted into English. It is pronounced as “eyd-mem-wahr” with the stress on the second syllable. In Urdu, it is written as “ایڈ میموائر” and pronounced as “aid memwar”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • یادداشت کرنے کا ذریعہ
  • یاد رکھنے کی شے
  • یادگار

Origin of the Word

The term “aide-memoire” originated in the 19th century from French, where “aide” means “help” and “memoire” means “memory”. It refers to an object or a written note that serves as a reminder or a prompt to help remember something important.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for aide-memoire include reminder, memorandum, prompt, cue, and memo. Antonyms for aide-memoire would be forgetfulness, negligence, and oversight.

Nearby Words

  • Aide-de-camp (Noun) – ایڈ ڈی کیمپ – An officer who acts as an assistant to a higher-ranking military officer.
  • Aid (Noun) – مدد – Assistance or support given to someone in need.
  • Aid (Verb) – مدد کرنا – To help or assist someone.
  • Aid (Noun) – عون – A device or piece of equipment used for a particular purpose.

Example Sentences

  • He carried an aide-memoire to remind him of the important points during the presentation. (وہ ایڈ میموائر لے کر چلا گیا تاکہ پریزنٹیشن کے دوران اہم نکات یاد رہ سکیں۔)
  • She wrote an aide-memoire to herself to buy groceries on her way back home. (وہ نے اپنے لئے ایڈ میموائر لکھی کہ گھر واپسی کے راستے کھانسامان خریدنا ہے۔)

For more information about aide-memoire, you can visit the following websites: