
Acquitted: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Acquitted is pronounced as “uh-kwit-id” and it is an English word. In Urdu, it can be translated into multiple meanings:

  • بری کرنا (Buri Karna)
  • رہا کرنا (Raha Karna)
  • بے گناہ قرار دینا (Be Gunah Qarar Dena)

Origin of the Word Acquitted

The word “acquitted” originated from the Latin word “acquitare” which means “to set free” or “to release.” It entered the English language in the 13th century.

Synonyms of Acquitted

Some synonyms of acquitted include:

  • Exonerated
  • Cleared
  • Vindicated
  • Absolved

Antonyms of Acquitted

Antonyms of acquitted with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Convicted – مجرم ٹھہرانا (Mujrim Thaharana)
  • Blamed – الزام دینا (Ilzam Dena)
  • Guilty – مجرم (Mujrim)
  • Condemned – ملزم کرنا (Muzam Karna)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to acquitted with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Acquiesce (verb) – راضی ہونا (Razi Hona)
  • Acquire (verb) – حاصل کرنا (Hasil Karna)
  • Acquisition (noun) – حصول (Hasool)
  • Acquaintance (noun) – آشنائی (Aashnai)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • He was acquitted of all charges. (وہ تمام الزامات سے بری کر دیا گیا۔)
  • The jury acquitted the defendant due to lack of evidence. (قصور کے ثبوت کی کمی کی بنا پر جوری نے متہم کو بری کر دیا۔)
  • She was finally acquitted after a long legal battle. (طویل قانونی جدوجہد کے بعد وہ آخرکار بری کر دی گئی۔)

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