acquittance roll

Acquittance Roll Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The pronunciation of “acquittance roll” is [uh-kwit-ns rohl]. In Urdu, it is known as “رقم کی تسلیم رول”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • رقم کی تسلیم رول
  • ادائیگی رول
  • ادائیگی کا رول

Origin of the Word Acquittance Roll

The term “acquittance roll” originated from the Middle English word “acquittance,” meaning a written receipt or discharge of debt. The word “roll” refers to a document or record in the form of a scroll or list. Together, “acquittance roll” refers to a written record of payments or debts discharged.

Synonyms of Acquittance Roll

  • Receipt Roll
  • Payment Record
  • Discharge Scroll


  • Outstanding Dues (باقی رقم)
  • Unpaid Debts (ادائیگی نہ ہونا)
  • Liabilities (ذمے داریاں)

Nearby Words

  • Acquiesce (Verb) – رضامند ہونا
  • Acquire (Verb) – حاصل کرنا
  • Acquisition (Noun) – حصول
  • Acquittal (Noun) – بری

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • The company provided an acquittance roll to prove the payment of all outstanding dues. (شرکت نے باقی رقموں کی ادائیگی کا ثبوت دینے کے لئے رقم کی تسلیم رول فراہم کیا۔)
  • He kept a detailed acquittance roll to track all his financial transactions. (وہ اپنی تمام مالی لین دین کو ٹریک کرنے کے لئے تفصیلی رقم کی تسلیم رول رکھتا تھا۔)

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