
Apologists Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Concept and Its Significance

Apologists, pronounced as “uh-pol-uh-jists,” are individuals who defend or justify a particular belief, idea, or action. In Urdu, apologists can be referred to as:

Meanings of Apologists in Urdu:

  • معتذرین (mu’atthirin)
  • معاف کرنے والے (maaf karne wale)
  • توجیح کرنے والے (tojeeh karne wale)

Synonyms of Apologists:

1. Advocates – حمایت کار (himaayat kaar)

2. Defenders – محافظین (muhafizeen)

3. Supporters – حمایت کنندگان (himaayat kundagan)

Antonyms of Apologists:

1. Critics – تنقید کار (tanqeed kaar)

2. Opponents – مخالفین (mukhalifeen)

3. Detractors – تنقید کنندگان (tanqeed kundagan)

Nearby Words:

1. Apologize (verb) – معذرت کرنا (maazrat karna)

2. Apology (noun) – معذرت (maazrat)

3. Apologetic (adjective) – معذرتی (maazrati)

Origin of the Word Apologists:

The term “apologists” originated from the Greek word “apologia,” which means a defense or justification. It was initially used in the context of early Christian writers who defended their faith against criticism and persecution.

Examples Sentences:

1. The apologists presented a strong argument in favor of their political ideology. (معتذرین نے اپنے سیاسی نظریات کی حمایت میں مضبوط دلیل پیش کی)

2. She acted as an apologist for her friend’s controversial actions. (وہ اپنے دوست کی متنازعہ اعمال کے لئے معافی کار کی حیثیت سے کام کیا)

For more information on apologists, you can visit the following websites: