
Adaptability: A Key Trait for Success

Adaptability is a crucial skill that allows individuals to adjust to new circumstances and challenges. It refers to the ability to change or modify oneself in response to different situations, making it an essential quality in today’s fast-paced world.

Adaptability Pronunciation

Pronunciation: uh-duh-pt-uh-bil-i-tee

Adaptability Meaning in Urdu

1. توسیع پذیری (Tausee Pazeeri)

2. مطابقت پذیری (Mutabiqat Pazeeri)

3. لائق بنانے کی صلاحیت (Laiq Banane Ki Salahiyat)

Origin of the Word Adaptability

The word “adaptability” originated from the Latin word “adaptare,” which means “to fit.” It entered the English language in the mid-19th century.

Synonyms of Adaptability

1. Flexibility

2. Versatility

3. Adjustability


1. Inflexibility – بے لچکی (Be Lachaki)

2. Rigidity – سختی (Sakhti)

3. Resistance – مزاحمت (Muzahimat)

Nearby Words

1. Adapt – Verb – مطابقت کرنا (Mutabiqat Karna)

2. Adaptable – Adjective – توسیع پذیر (Tausee Pazeer)

3. Adaptation – Noun – مطابقت (Mutabiqat)

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. His adaptability to different work environments makes him a valuable asset. – اس کی مختلف کامیابیوں کی توسیع پذیری اسے ایک قیمتی اثاثہ بناتی ہے۔

2. She quickly adapted to the new school and made friends easily. – وہ جلدی سے نئے سکول کا مطابقت کر لیا اور دوست بنا لیے۔

3. The company’s adaptability to changing market trends helped it stay ahead of the competition. – تبدیل ہوتے بازاری روایات کی توسیع پذیری نے اس کو مقابلے سے آگے رکھا۔

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