
Adam Pronunciation

The pronunciation of the name Adam is [a-dam].

Adam Meaning in Urdu

The word Adam has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. آدم – Aadam: This is the primary meaning of Adam in Urdu, referring to the first human being and the biblical figure.
  2. انسان – Insaan: This meaning refers to a human being in general.
  3. بنی آدم – Bani Adam: This phrase is used to describe humanity as a whole.

Origin of the Word Adam

The word Adam has its origin in Hebrew, derived from the name אָדָם (Adam) meaning “man” or “earth”. It is also related to the Arabic name آدم (Adham).

Synonyms of Adam

Some synonyms of Adam include:

  • Man
  • Homo sapiens
  • Human being

Antonyms of Adam

Antonyms of Adam with their meanings in Urdu:

  • حیوان – Hewan: Animal
  • نر – Nar: Male
  • عورت – Aurat: Female

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Adam with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Adab Noun آداب – Manners
Adalat Noun عدالت – Court
Adakar Noun اداکار – Actor

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word Adam along with their Urdu meanings:

  • Adam ate an apple. – آدم نے سیب کھایا۔
  • Every Adam has his Eve. – ہر آدم کے پاس ایوا ہوتی ہے۔
  • Adam is a kind-hearted person. – آدم ایک مہربان شخص ہے۔

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