
Achromatic: The Meaning and Pronunciation

Achromatic is a term that is commonly used in various fields, including science, art, and photography. It refers to something that is devoid of color or lacks any specific hue. The word is pronounced as /eɪkrəˈmætɪk/.

Achromatic Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, achromatic can be translated into several meanings:

  • بے رنگ (Be Rang)
  • بے رنگی (Be Rangi)
  • رنگ کے بغیر (Rang Ke Baghair)

Origin of the Word Achromatic

The word achromatic has its roots in the Greek language. It is derived from the combination of two Greek words: “a” meaning “without” and “chroma” meaning “color.” The term was first used in the early 19th century.

Synonyms of Achromatic

Some synonyms of achromatic include:

  • Colorless
  • Neutral
  • Monochrome
  • Grayscale

Antonyms of Achromatic

Antonyms of achromatic, along with their Urdu meanings, are:

  • Colored – رنگین (Rangeen)
  • Vibrant – چمکیلا (Chamkeela)
  • Hued – رنگدار (Rangdar)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to achromatic, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Achromatism (Noun) – بے رنگی (Be Rangi)
  • Achromatize (Verb) – بے رنگ کرنا (Be Rang Karna)
  • Achromatically (Adverb) – بے رنگی سے (Be Rangi Se)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences that demonstrate the usage of achromatic along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The artist used an achromatic palette to create a sense of melancholy. (فنکار نے بے رنگ پیلٹ استعمال کیا تاکہ اداسی کا احساس پیدا ہو)
  • The scientist studied the achromatic properties of light. (سائنسدان نے روشنی کی بے رنگ خواص کا مطالعہ کیا)
  • The achromatic photograph captured the essence of the landscape. (بے رنگ تصویر نے منظر کی جوہر کو پکڑ لیا)

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