
Alarmed Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Alarmed is pronounced as [uh-lahrmd].

In Urdu, alarmed can be translated into multiple meanings:

  1. خوفزدہ (khofzada) – feeling fear or apprehension
  2. پریشان (pareshan) – feeling anxious or troubled
  3. ہیبت زدہ (heebat zada) – feeling intimidated or frightened

Origin of the Word Alarmed

The word “alarmed” originated from the Middle French word “alarmer” which means “to cause fear or distress.” It was derived from the Italian word “all’arme” which translates to “to arms.” The term was initially used in the context of raising an alarm or alert during times of danger or emergency.

Synonyms of Alarmed

Some synonyms of alarmed include:

  • Frightened – ڈرا ہوا (dara hua)
  • Worried – پریشان (pareshan)
  • Panicked – ہیبت زدہ (heebat zada)
  • Anxious – بے چین (bechain)

Antonyms of Alarmed

Antonyms of alarmed with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Confident – پر اعتماد (pur aitmaad)
  • Calm – سکون (sukoon)
  • Relaxed – آرام سے (aaram se)
  • Unconcerned – بے فکر (be fikr)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to alarmed with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Alarmingly (adverb) – خوفناک طور پر (khofnak tor par)
  • Alarmist (noun) – خوف زدہ (khof zada)
  • Alarm (noun) – خطرہ (khatra)
  • Alarming (adjective) – خوفناک (khofnak)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using the word “alarmed” with their Urdu meanings:

  • I was alarmed by the sudden noise. (مجھے اچانک آواز سے خوفزدہ ہوا)
  • The alarming news made everyone worried. (خوفناک خبر نے سب کو پریشان کیا)
  • She looked alarmed when she saw the dark alley. (جب وہ اندھیری گلی دیکھی تو وہ خوفزدہ نظر آئی)

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