
AB- Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “ab-” is [uhb-] in English.

AB- Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, “ab-” has several meanings:

  1. اب – now, currently
  2. ابھی – just, right now
  3. اب تک – until now, so far
  4. ابھی تک – still, yet

Origin of the Word AB-

The word “ab-” is a prefix derived from Latin and it means “away from” or “off.” It is commonly used in English to form words with negative or opposite meanings.

Synonyms of AB-

Some synonyms of “ab-” include:

  • Anti-
  • De-
  • Dis-
  • Un-

Antonyms of AB-

Antonyms of “ab-” in Urdu are:

  • ابھی – still, yet
  • اب تک – until now, so far

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Abandon noun ترک کرنا
Abbreviate verb مختصر کرنا
Abduct verb چھپا لینا

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “ab-” with their Urdu meanings:

  • He abandoned his old car. (وہ اپنی پرانی گاڑی ترک کر دی۔)
  • Please abbreviate the word. (براہ کرم اس لفظ کو مختصر کریں۔)
  • The kidnappers tried to abduct the child. (بچے کو چھپا لینے کی کوشش کی گئی۔)

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