
Backtrack Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Usage

Backtrack, also known as “پیچھے جانا” in Urdu, is a verb that has multiple meanings and applications. It is important to understand the various contexts in which this word can be used.

Meanings of Backtrack in Urdu:

  1. پیچھے جانا: To retrace one’s steps or go back on a previously taken path.
  2. منہ موڑنا: To change one’s opinion or decision.
  3. پچھواڑے کرنا: To retreat or withdraw from a situation.

Synonyms of Backtrack:

Some synonyms of backtrack include:

  • Retrace
  • Revert
  • Recant
  • Withdraw
  • Retreat

Backtrack Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of backtrack is [bak-trak] in English.

Antonyms of Backtrack:

Antonyms of backtrack in Urdu are:

  1. آگے بڑھنا: To move forward
  2. تسلیم کرنا: To accept
  3. مستقل رہنا: To remain steadfast

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to backtrack, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Backward (Adjective) – پچھواڑا
  • Backwardness (Noun) – پچھواڑگی
  • Backwardly (Adverb) – پچھواڑے طور پر
  • Backwardnesses (Noun) – پچھواڑگیاں

Origin of the Word Backtrack:

The word “backtrack” originated from the combination of “back” and “track.” It first appeared in the late 19th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. He had to backtrack to find his lost keys. (وہ اپنی کھوئی ہوئی چابیوں کو تلاش کرنے کے لئے پیچھے جانا پڑا۔)
  2. She decided to backtrack on her previous statement. (اس نے اپنے پہلے بیان پر منہ موڑ لیا۔)
  3. The army was forced to backtrack due to heavy enemy fire. (دشمن کی شدید آگ کی وجہ سے فوج کو پچھواڑے کرنا پڑا۔)

For more information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the following sources:

Understanding the meaning and usage of backtrack in Urdu can help you effectively communicate and comprehend its various applications.