Asif Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation and Multiple Meanings
The name “Asif” is commonly used in various cultures, including Urdu-speaking communities. It is pronounced as “ah-seef” in Urdu. Asif is an Arabic name that holds several meanings in Urdu, including:
Meanings of Asif in Urdu:
- 1. خوشی کا باعث (Cause of Happiness)
- 2. خوشی کا سبب (Reason for Happiness)
- 3. خوشی کا وجہ (Source of Happiness)
Synonyms of Asif:
Some synonyms of Asif in Urdu are:
- 1. مسرت (Masarrat)
- 2. خوشی (Khushi)
- 3. شادمانی (Shadmani)
Antonyms of Asif:
Antonyms of Asif in Urdu include:
- 1. غم (Gham) – Sadness
- 2. دکھ (Dukh) – Sorrow
- 3. الم (Alam) – Grief
Nearby Words:
Some nearby words related to Asif in Urdu, along with their parts of speech and meanings, are:
- 1. Asifa (Noun) – A gathering, a congregation
- 2. Asifabad (Noun) – A place name
- 3. Asifullah (Noun) – A person’s name
Origin of the Word Asif:
The name Asif has its roots in Arabic and is derived from the Quranic term “Asif bin Barkhiya.” Asif bin Barkhiya was a minister in the court of Prophet Sulaiman (King Solomon) known for his wisdom and knowledge.
Example Sentences:
Here are a few example sentences using the word Asif in Urdu:
- 1. وہ ایک اسف بھری کہانی سنا رہا تھا۔ (He was telling a sad story.)
- 2. میں نے اسف کے ساتھ اس کی خوشی کا حصہ کیا۔ (I shared in his happiness.)
- 3. اسف کے باوجود، وہ مسرت بھری آواز میں گانے لگا۔ (Despite the sadness, he started singing in a joyful voice.)
For more information about the name Asif, you can visit the following websites: